Chrono Clothier: Ancient Roman Meretrix Pendant

Ancient Roman Meretrix Pendant

I designed this pendant as a gift for my friend Vita Blandus, patroness of the Villa Blanda in Ancient Rome. It is free for any Roman Meretrix under Vita’s care, but I have decided to open the sale of this item to the general population, as well.

Ancient Roman Meretrix Pendant

Based on a real artifact discovered amongst ancient Roman ruins, this copper pendant is lightly accented with delicate ruby gems.

In Roman times, the meretrix symbol was a highly recognizable indication that a woman’s affections were for sale. It is inadvisable to wear this trinket out in public unless this is the message you wish to convey!


You may find it in-world or on my on-line store.

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Chrono Clothiers: Victorian Vows

Hello from Real Life!

Some of you might notice that both Misses Palabra Puddlegum and Chrono Clothier have gone missing. Be not alarmed! As it happens, our shared typist has had the pleasure of appearing as a bridesmaid in not one, but TWO out-of-town weddings in the past three weeks. As a result, I am rather broke, so I am actually begging a little. PLEASE buy Chrono’s clothes so that Des can get his rent.

Begging aside, I actually have something new for you. In honor of the recent weddings of both my best friend and my little sister (*sniff*), I have created a lovely wedding gown for you. I call it Victorian Vows:

Victorian Vows is based on the partially mesh gown I designed in honor of Caledon’s 6th anniversary (only 3 of those left, by the by). This gown, however, features beautiful ivory lace and a sculpted top hat. As usual, I have released this gown at half-off the usual price, so buy it now for $299!

You may find it in-world or on my on-line store.

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Chrono Clothier: Divine Davina!

Perfect for a modest Roman matron, Divine Davina allows the class conscious woman to appear in public without looking like a slave or a lupa.

Divine Davina


Available on the marketplace or in-world.

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Chrono Clothiers: Add Some Metal to Your Steam!

Today, I bring you Metal & Steam, a shiny, metallic recolor of Chocolate and Steam. For the first week (starting Sunday 4/29/12 and ending Sunday 5/6/12), it will be available at 1/2 off.

Introductory price of $99L available this week only!

Introductory price of $99L available this week only!

Available in the following locations:

Also available on the marketplace!

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Chrono Clothiers: Ring in Spring with Spring Steam!

Today, I bring you Spring Steam, a bright teal recolor of Chocolate and Steam. For the first week (starting Monday 4/23/12 and ending Monday 4/30/12), it will be available at 1/2 off.

Introductory price of $99L available this week only!

Available in the following locations:

Also available on the marketplace!


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From the Typist: Caledon Glengarry Estate for Sale – Proceeds to Benefit RFL!

My Caledon RP has slowed to the point at which I can no longer justify maintaining so large an estate that I use so little. For that reason, I will entertain private offers for my Glengarry estate either in bulk or separately. Arrangements can be made to keep any structures or plants that you like. 90% of the proceeds will be donated to RFL. The other 10%, I will keep just to help me offset the original purchase cost. Send inquiries via notecard.

Here are the parcels:

Glengarry No. 5, currently occupied by a quaint schoolhouse

The rent is $475 Lindens per week for 234 prims.



Glengarry No. 3, currently occupied by a waterside orchard

The rent is $950L per week for 468 prims.



Glengarry No. 3 (must be a typo, but that’s what the meter says), currently occupied by my large manor house. This parcel offers access to the water as well as a stunning view of Steam Sky City!

The rent is $2,850L per week for 1404 prims.

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Tuesday, April 10th, 1870

Dear Diary:

I am not entirely certain about the relative length of demonic pregnancies versus typical gestational periods, but I begin to grow somewhat concerned. The little devil just doesn’t want to come out! He kicks. He has a heartbeat. I know he’s there. I suppose he’s happy in his little cocoon. Still, he can’t spend his entire life in the womb! Hmm… perhaps Matilda knows a summoning spell or an exorcism that might work. The feminine capacity for sustaining life notwithstanding, one can only grow so large before important bits begin to cramp and tear. I really must consult with Dr. Hyde again.

Speaking of Dr. Hyde, I should note that he and Rose have taken up residence next door following the Wytchwoods’ disappearance. They spend a great deal of their time gardening. They have also recently flitted off to Greece. Ah, young(ish) love! Now that Rose wears a ring on her finger, our dear friends seem blissfully happy. Rose is so happy that she frequently feels the need to leave neighborly gifts; for instance:

The bunny graveyard formerly known as my porch.


Clearly, some great evil is afoot. Perhaps I should have hung onto one of Rose’s gifts as a good luck charm.

I jest, but the fact is that the Wytchwoods have disappeared. Mr. MacBeth has disappeared. Bodies are washing up in Winterfell. And now my demon spawn refuses to budge! Perhaps everyone just fled the coming apocalypse. Is it too unreasonable to worry that my child is the anti-christ? I suppose one would have to be Christian to believe that. Whatever I am, it is not Christian; I’ve seen far too much evil and far too few flying cherubs to believe that any all powerful deity actually opposes said evil. Well, except for that angel…

Hmm. Back to the drawing board. Perhaps good does exist.

Whatever the truth is, I am not so far gone that I can’t believe in love or basic human decency. Matilda is my daily proof. One day, while I lamented my growing waistline, Matilda confessed his love. I balked at first; I always do. “But how will we live, Dearest?” I protested. He insisted that he would bear my odious profession and raise my child as his own. The words, I prefer to keep between us. Suffice it to say that my heart was moved. I have always felt tenderly toward my dear Matilda. Ever since Mr. P bound our minds with that trinket of his, Matilda and I have shared a destiny. I took him in. He saved me from prison. We live in complete felicity together. What could be more natural than to wed?

We have not yet set a date. I think I’d rather wait to announce our intentions until after the Doctor and Rose have their day. For now, Matilda traipses through the best shops in search of the perfect gown. I sit back, smiling indulgently, and merely observe his unfettered joy. Something terrible is coming, but for now, I think I shall enjoy the calm before the storm.

Yours Truly,

–Miss Palabra Puddlegum–

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From the Typist: a word on politics

I don’t normally break character to discuss politics. I also have a rather long backlog of rp-related events to report. What ever happened to Palabra’s pregnancy? Wasn’t there a dead body found in Winterfell? Didn’t her friend Mr. MacBeth go missing? Also, as a rather amusing sidenote, a certain frenemy has taken to leaving dead bunnies on her porch as gifts. Don’t worry; I do intend to provide photographic evidence! Most astonishingly, there may even be a non-demonic love in her life! Alas, all of that will have to wait. Real life requires a comment; to wit:

What’s up with the Republicans lately? Are they trying to sabotage their chances at the upcoming election?

Is it just me, or are the Republicans taking a very strange approach to this election? Strike that. It’s not just the presidential election that has Republicans acting batty. Misogyny seems to be trendy:

  • In Virginia, they want to require women to undergo a transvaginal ultrasound so that one may view the fetus before it is aborted. Umm, ‘splainy? What’s the medical reason for this, again? Also, I thought Republicans were supposed to be fiscally conservative; why would any good penny pincher want to waste time and money on a medical procedure that isn’t necessary?
  • In Indiana, a Republican statesman refused to sign a resolution celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Girl Scouts because he thinks it is some sort of tactical arm of Planned Parenthood. Nevermind that the only thing the two organizations have in common is a primary focus on females. I’m a lifetime member of the Girl Scouts. We went camping, caving, horseback riding, etc. We volunteered at soup kitchens. We sold cookies. I don’t remember the Planned Parenthood ever coming up while we were paddling our way down rapids.
  • As far as national politics go, Republicans have recruited the Catholic Church to use as their anti-contraception mouthpieces against providing contraception benefits as part of health insurance. Apparently, they want a loophole that allows your employer to leave out coverage to which he or she has a moral or religious objection. Uh huh. Like your boss won’t become devout when he or she sees how much money could be saved by passing the buck to you for contraception… or care for STDs… or substance abuse… or mental health… or eating disorders… or, umm, really just about anything other than your basic checkup. I mean, moral or religious objections could cast a pretty wide net while being difficult to refute. Hell, an employer could dream up a religious objection to covering heart-related ailments for people who eat beef.
  • While most Republicans have carefully avoided discussions of sexual morality, Rick Santorum even went so far as to say birth control isn’t okay because it gives people sexual license. Yup. We sure want you representing the “land of the free,” Rick. For realz, yo. What do we think we are, free citizens with the right to bodily autonomy or something? Pshaw. That’s poppycock. We’ve got to learn to behave in accordance with your moral and religious views.

I don’t get it. Did we time travel back to the 1960s? Did I blink and miss it? Last time I checked, we had this whole women’s lib movement that pretty firmly established a woman’s right to bodily autonomy. So why are the Republicans trying to turn back the clock? Is this some sort of weird wedge issue strategy designed to alienate one half of the population in order to galvanize the other? I was no Republican before this election cycle started, but I’m even less of one now. I’m actually a Libertarian, which usually lands me in the Democrats’ camp for social issues and in the Republicans’ ranks for fiscal issues – not that the Republicans have been holding very tightly to the purse strings lately. If they’re trying to win centrist voters by promoting a resurgence of misogyny, I’m going to have to suggest that they rethink that strategy. I’ll be voting for candidate who isn’t obsessed with policing my sex life, thank you very much.

So, yeah. Color me confused. I don’t understand this whole social time warp thing that we’ve got going on in the right wing of U.S. politics. All I know is that it’s making it very difficult to take Republicans seriously. Their plan to fight the Social Progressives with a policy of Social Backwardness is befuddling at best. At worst, it’s downright evil. What’s next? Are we going to start extolling the virtues of racism, too? I mean, why limit the hate to just women? Let’s attract voters who hate people with certain skin colors. Or religions. Or sexual orientations (Ooops; they already do!). Or disabilities. Pretty soon, we can have everyone hating everyone! I’m not sure how that will gain votes, but hey, what do I know? I’m just a walking baby factory — erm, I mean woman.

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From the Typist: Fun with LoopRez

I love LoopRez!

LoopRez is an amazing script by Ged Larsen. It enables one to rez multiple prims grouped together in a neat little loop – hence the name. With a bit of tweaking, one can configure notecards that generate said looped prims in varying values along the standard x, y, and/or z axis.

What does that mean? Well, frankly my dear, it means that a script can generate tapered, ragged, or otherwise uneven skirts, collars, sleeves, cuffs, etc. No more moving all of those prims by hand!

Witness my quick and dirty screenshot of something that is in the process of becoming a jabot:

By the way, isn’t the LL noob avatar absolutely adorable? She’s the steampunk avie. I love her cute little figure, almond eyes, and pert nose. The skin is adorable, too.


Anyway, LoopRez allows one to configure all sorts of handy options. For instance, flare is a useful value. Umm…. the best way I can describe flare is to say that it controls the amount of starch in the crinoline. 🙂 The top layer of the collar, the stiffer prims that stick upward a bit, has a high flare value of 120 degrees. The lower layer, the flouncy jabot part, has a relatively low flare value of 40 degrees. Even more useful is the dropscript template. It’s a script that you drop into a separate, standalone prim. When you modify that standalone prim and then click it, the shape, size, flexibility, color, texture, and pretty much any other properties of the template prim are automagically applied to every prim in your loop. It’s one click texturing! One click flexi-fying! One click resizing! Honestly, this robust little LoopRez script is worth its weight in gold. Not only am I really having fun with it, but it is allowing me to create lovely flexi-prim parts that make me look far more talented than I am.

All right. I should attempt to get some shut-eye, as I’m having trouble sleeping tonight and it is – ye gads! – almost time for me to wake up.

Your Affectionate:


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Tuesday, January 31st, 1871

Dear Diary:

While I have many exciting adventures to share with you, I want to take a moment to share another of my creations. Inspired by Miss Philomena Steampunk’s latest release of Steampunk textures, I call this dress Steampunk Jane.

I think it may be my best yet!


Your excited,

–Miss Palabra Puddlegum–

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